Tone Fitness Stability Ball Review


Look great, feel healthy and live happy with

The Tone Fitness Stability Ball is available in two sizes, 55cm (21.6″) and 65cm (25.6″) and in blue and fucsia. It is anti-burst, so even if it gets punctured, it will leak air out slowly rather than explode. This exercise ball comes with a pump and an extra plug, as well as an instructional DVD. 

 Tone Fitness Stability Ball

Tone Fitness Stability Ball

The exercise ball itself has very few complaints in the Amazon reviews. It is stable, made of thick rubber, and has a burst-resistant shell. It is true to its size. It is cheaper than some of the more popular models, and reviewers say it is just as effective.

Those who weren’t as happy with their purchase had complaints about the free pump. Some noted it is made of cheap plastic and a few said it broke during  first use. This is a good option for someone who doesn’t want to spend a lot of money on an exercise ball and still get the basics for what they need.

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Tone Fitness Stability Ball
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