Eat like a caveman, and you will lose weight and be healthier? At least that’s what one of the most talked about recent diets promises. This article...

Shiny. Ripe. Mellow. Meet Apples! ...

Creamy. Green. Delicious. Meet Avocados! ...

Juicy. Sweet. Refreshing and Not Only. Meet watermelons! ...

Few things taught in the Bible have seen such an uptake recently as fasting. Open the pages of any fitness and health magazine and you’re bound to find...

Despite what you may have read or been told, hear this: Gluten is not bad. For the small percentage of the population who have Celiac disease, it is absolutely...

Everyone wants to lose that pesky ten pounds.  Okay, twenty pounds.  Okay, okay, fifty pounds.  Jeez.  To that end, though, you could eat right and...

We’re nearly 30 years past the advent of Jane Fonda videos and spandex unitards that came with a useless belt and hot pink dumbbells.  Although our...

There is so much conflicting advice given on how to boost your metabolism. This article sifts through this info to debunk metabolism myths. ...

So who doesn’t want to have a healthy lifestyle?  Everybody does, so keep reading… We are constantly bombarded with television commercials, print...