Cheerleader Workout. Perfect Training for a Perfect Body!


Cheerleaders are so fit, lean and sexy that looking at them, most of us think they just don’t eat anything to stay so slim. But you wouldn’t envy these beautiful girls if you knew what a hard job it is to be a cheerleader.The truth is that for these girls fitness is not about being skinny but being strong and energetic. So, they know very well what “tough workout” means as they spend hours polishing up their skills with strength training and conditioning workouts, altogether with dancing. 

Let’s have a sneak peek at the cheerleading workout routine sample and see if you can be brave to call them pageant girls.

Cheerleading Workout Routine

A good cheerleader should be strong, have good endurance and flexibility


They jump, swing and throw up each other for hours. To be able to keep all the “ups and downs”, you need to regularly train your endurance and the best way to do it is a cardiovascular training – skipping, walking, jogging, running.

If you are:

Here are the examples of HIIT workouts which you can choose according to your level of training.

20 Minute HIIT Workouts

Repeat sprint/jogging set for 4 more sets for a total of 5 sets.




This Ten Minute Jump Rope HIIT workout is a great way to improve your endurance. Give it a try!


Cheerleader girls do a lot of throwing and catching, so you better have a strong upper body to be able to throw the whole person. 

Try to do weight lifting 3-4 times per week focusing on your upper body. The plan can be the following:

If you want to know what exercises can improve your strength training, check them here.

Upper Body Superset Workout 

Superset 1

1) Dumbbell Bench Press

2) Barbell Lying Triceps Extension

Superset 2

3) Barbell Deadlift

4) Dumbbell Bicep Curl

Superset 3

5) Dumbbell One Arm Seated Shoulder Press

6) Dumbbell Seated Side Lateral Raise

Check this Superset Workout for a Super Body as a variation. This will help you avoid plateau. 


Flexibility is very important to prevent any injury, increase blood flow and improve the quality of the workouts. If you want to be able to do splits and flips like cheerleaders, don’t neglect stretching before and after your training routines, whether it’s a weight lifting or cardio workouts. If you give it at least 10 minutes of your time each day, you’ll see the results soon.

Read these tips and tricks on how to improve your flexibility.  

How to Set Weekly Workout Routine

Here is a sample of a week schedule on how to combine your cardio and weight trainings. You can change it according to your needs and level of training. Keep to one training plan at least for 2 weeks to let your body adjust and then you can make the changes.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Rest day

Healthy Diet

A good workout plan is very important to build strong muscles but real changes will come only if you combine it with a good diet plan. It doesn’t mean you have to cut all unhealthy food suddenly that is not good. Do it gradually. You can start with these 5 tips from nutrition experts to make your diet healthier, try to control your portions and stock your kitchen with healthy ingredients. These all will help you save your diet and gain your results quicker.

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