Hardcore Abs Workout for Pole Fitness (No Pole Needed!)

Ab Workout

Build your abdominal strength with this abs workout for Pole Fitness and Pole Dance. And the best: you don’t even need a pole for this abs workout!

Use these 8 abs exercises three times a week. Start with 12-15 reps increasing the amount of reps in 2-3 weeks.

1) V Crunches

Lie down on the floor with your hands facing palm down. Engage your abs to simultaneously lift both your shoulders and straight legs off the ground. Touch your fingers to your toes. Slowly lower them back to the starting position to complete one rep.

Remember: Keep your core engaged the entire time.

2) Jackknifes

Lie down on the floor with your hands facing palm down. Engage your abs to simultaneously lift both your shoulders and bent legs off the ground. Reach forward with your arms staying straight.

3) Reverse Crunch/Hip Thrusts

Lie down on the floor with your legs straight and hands facing palm down. Use your lower abs to lift your legs straight up. Return to the starting position.

Remember: Try not to bend at the knee.

4) V-Sit Up into Hip Thrusts

Lie down on the floor with your legs straight and hands facing palm down. Lift your hips and straight legs off the floor using lower abdominal muscle. Pause. Bring your buttock back on the floor and lift your shoulders reaching your arms between your straight legs making a V-Up position. That’s one rep. Lower your shoulders back on the floor to do another Hip Thrust.

5) Crunches

Lie down on the floor with your knees raised, feet flat and hands behind your head. Curl upward to lift your shoulders off the floor using only your abdominal muscles. Ease yourself back down with your abdominal muscles still engaged.

6) Long Arm Sit Ups

Lie down on the floor with your knees raised, feet flat and arms extended above your head. Lift your upper body towards the knees altogether with your straight arms until you are sitting upright. Slowly lower your body back down to the starting position.

7) Advanced Crunches

Begin lying on your back and your legs perpendicular to your body. Spread them out. Using your abs, lift your shoulders reaching your straight arms between the legs. Keep your legs straight.

8) The Hundred

Begin lying on your back and your legs straight on the floor with your hands facing palm down. Exhale and raise your head and shoulders off the mat. Vigorously pump your straight legs 6 inches up and down. Inhale for 5 pumps, then exhale for 5 pumps. Do as many pumps as possible.

Remember: Keep your lower back pressed in toward the floor and keep your lower abs pulled in toward your spine. Engage your abs this way throughout the workout.

To get even stronger, increase the repetitions, the speed that you perform the exercises at or mix this abs workout up into a circuit training.

Here is another abs workout for Pole Fitness to make your core even stronger!  

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