Men: How To Train For Your Specific Body Type

While you can’t change your genes, you can make the most of what you were born with by training for your specific bodytype. We will show you how to out-smart your genes and push your progress into overdrive with the right training, whether you are an ectomorph, endomorph or mesomorph.

[spoiler title=”Summary: click to read” style=”fancy”] Knowing your body type will enable you to train more specifically for your needs. [/spoiler]

Any exercise and nutritional advice must be tailored to the individual’s physique, metabolism and body structure, which means knowledge of your body type is essential.

For instance, you might be a skinny guy, but why are you skinny? Is it diet related, environmental, or genetic? The genetic component is what determines your basic body type and your disposition to metabolism, obesity and muscle development.

When you know your type, then and only then can you really determine how much weight to lift, how often and what to eat to maximize your gains and avoid potential health problems.

Ectomorphs — The Classic Skinny Guy Shape

Ectomorph training prioritizes muscle building and strength over cardio and interval training. This strategy reflects the reality of your classic ectomorph — they are skinny, usually tall, and have trouble gaining muscle mass. They aren’t usually athletic but this doesn’t mean an ectomorph can’t excel in sports, including bodybuilding.

Famous Ectomorphs

The Ectomorph Training Manifesto

Ectomorphs need to train harder than other men  to gain muscle mass and strength. Bodybuilders call these guys “hard gainers.” This difficulty to build muscle might be one reason why anabolic steroids have been popular.

Follow these rules and you’ll never have to resort to drugs to get results:

Endomorphs — The Curvy, Soft, Chubby Guy

The advice for the endomorph is practically the opposite of what the ectomorph should be doing. This because the endomorph’s problems include:

The endomorph has to train in a completely different way than the ectomorph with different goals in mind. There is also a compound that can assist fitness in this body type which is the clenbuterol for sale.

Famous Ectomorphs

The Endomorph Training Manifesto

Endomorphs need to prioritize the muscle hardening and fat burning approaches to training in order to make progress. If you fit the endomorph profile (think Jack Black, John Goodman) then training will likely need to become a central part of your life if you are to avoid cardiovascular diseases and obesity related illnesses such as Type II Diabetes.

Mesomorphs — The Athletic Guy

It is likely that the previous two body types mentioned in this article are a tad jealous of the guy who gains muscle merely by looking at weight rack. But that’s life — some guys are just lucky.

Mesomorph body shapes tend to exhibit tapered torsos with broad shoulders and tight, defined waists. Another common trait is bulging thighs, calves and butts, which gives them powerful athletic abilities.

Mesomorphs need training to combat the greatest risk to them — cardiovascular disease. Sedentary lifestyles combined with poor dietary discipline will work against mesomorphs and can lead to them being overweight.

Famous Ectomorphs


The Mesomorph Training Manifesto

Because mesomorphs recover quickly from training and gain muscle easily, they are at the greatest risk of overtraining. Being genetically gifted does not make mesomorphs bulletproof so it is important that they find the ‘sweet spot’ in training volume and intensity and be aware of how much of both their bodies can realistically take.

Training rules for the mesomorph:

What If You’re a Combination of Body Types?

In real life, body types can be more than just the three simple categories mentioned in this article. Now that you have a good idea about what characteristics to look for in each body type, you will be better able to establish what training will be most valuable to you.

However, if you are still in doubt about your body type, get a fitness test and a professional opinion on the training you need for your body type and goals. Whichever training route you go down, remember to have fun and make a lifestyle choice to improve your health and wellbeing. You could also try using napsgear for your fitness journey.

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