Cryochambers Market Growth in Europe

Cryotherapy is the use of extremely cold temperatures for medicinal purposes. It can be used for treatment or prevention of diseases and also as a way of pain management for sporting injuries. It can treat a variety of muscle and tissue pain or relieve sprains and swelling after soft tissue damage.

In Europe, the demand for cryotherapy as a form of treatment has rapidly increased leading to the hasty growth of development of cryo-saunas and cryochambers all over Europe. Companies like Cryoaction even offer a variety of chambers that can be hired by sporting teams and spas throughout Europe.  Please visit for more tips.

Statistics for Cryochamber Demand Increase in Europe

Owing to the increase in sporting activities across Europe, the demand for cryochambers is expected to increase by a significant 68% by 2026 from 2016. Researches conducted reported that in 2016 alone, 200 cryochamber units were sold around Europe.

By 2026 this number is expected to increase to around 336, hence the 68% interest in demand. The demand growth is also attributed to the aesthetic and dermatological benefits that beauty spas and doctors have reported for cryotherapy users. Poland leads Germany, England, France and the rest of the European countries in the percentage increase in deand for cryotherapy.

Applications of Cryotherapy and Cryochambers

Pain Relief and Muscle Healing

One of the main uses of cryotherapy is pain relief. It helps with the relief of joint and muscle pain and maintenance of related conditions like arthritis. This is similar to the application of ice-packs to sports related injuries.

To Aid the Process of Weight Loss

Sitting in the extreme cold conditions of a cryochamber will lead your body to increase its metabolism to keep up with the extreme cold conditions. Increase in body metabolism promotes the burning of fat and calories. A process that will eventually lead to weight loss.

Prevention and Treatment of Health Conditions

Cryotherapy is used strategically to reduce inflammation. Inflammation may occur superficially due t bodily injury during sporting or occupational activities. When it occurs internally it may be due to infections or other grave reasons like cancer. Cryotherapy is used to reduced all kinds of inflammation. It may also be used to control the inflammations that could lead to dementia.

Benefits of Choosing Cryotherapy for Your Health and Wellness

Cyrotherapy comes in a wide variety of chambers that can be used for beauty therapy purposes, medicinal purposes and by athletes that are involved in elite sports. They have a proven track record of providing quality services and the testimonials from previous customers are already included in several websites

We all know that prevention is always better than cure. One major benefit of cryotherapy is that it avoids the development of medical conditions well before time. This helps users to save money that would have otherwise gone into the treatment of these conditions. For the people privileged enough to have health insurance, cryotherapy ensures their premiums remain manageably by keeping them out of hospital.

Treatments using medication often involves the possibilities of side-effects. Using cryotherapy to prevent diseases reduces the chances of a person to need medication, hence, keeps the person from potentially dangerous side effects from medication.

Cyrtherapy has proven to be one of the best ways for people to maintain good health. The reason why it is becoming extensively popular in the UK and the USA is because of its numerous benefits and applications. Other parts of the world have not yet explored the full benefits of cryotherapy, but we expect that in future they will adopt this wonderful ther

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