Minimally Invasive Surgeries in Spinal Stenosis and Other Spine Pathologies

Minimally invasive interventions are relatively new option in the spinal stenosis treatment. Better understanding of the spine biomechanics against the background of active CT/MRI use has lead to their wider introduction into the clinical practice.

Development of advanced surgical armaments and operative techniques contributed to this as well. Today, minimally invasive surgery in spinal stenosis and degenerative spine disease is among the first-line procedures that are applied in failure of conservative treatment.

Which Patients Are Eligible for the Minimally Invasive Procedure

According to the World Health Organization data, up to 80% of the world’s population suffer from back pain at least once in a lifetime. Even more, over 2% of patients with spinal pain syndrome require surgery and rehabilitation at clhf homes. Minimally invasive interventions come to the fore in poor efficiency of physical and conservative therapy in patients with:

In addition, doctors take into consideration patient’s age, weight and concomitant pathology presence.

Types of the Minimally Invasive Interventions

Techniques for the spine pathology and spinal stenosis treatment in Germany include the following options:

Advantages of Minimally Invasive Surgeries

Compared to conventional spine interventions, minimally invasive surgery in Germany has a number of advantages, including:

Good cosmetic results as skin incisions are no longer than 2-3 cm.

In addition, microsurgical interventions in the best hospitals of Germany are more cost-effective.

Leading German Hospitals That Offer Spinal Stenosis Treatment

Countries of central and western Europe, in particular Germany, are the leading ones in the sphere of minimally invasive and endoscopic surgery. In 2017, over 1,658 robot-assisted interventions were successfully performed in German healthcare facilities. List of the most reputable hospitals in Germany includes:

  1. University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Department of Adult and Pediatric Neurosurgery.
  2. University Hospital Würzburg, Department of Adult and Pediatric Orthopedics.
  3. University Hospital Erlangen, Department of Adult and Pediatric Neurosurgery.
  4. Charite University Hospital Berlin, Department of Adult and Pediatric Neurosurgery.
  5. University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden, Department for Adult and Pediatric Orthopedics, Trauma Surgery.

Reliable treatment organization with Booking Health

If you are not a German citizen, spine pathology and spinal stenosis treatment in Germanywill be more safe and convenient with assistance of Booking Health. Booking Health is the certified medical tourism operator whose experts in spine pathology facilitate undergoing therapy abroad for patients from 75 countries.

Specialists from Booking Health take care about:

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