7 Yogis Share Their Inspiring New Year’s Resolutions

Making a New Year’s Resolution is about embracing change. Change is powerful, exciting and fulfilling, but ultimately difficult. We have asked seven Yogi to share their New Year’s Resolutions to inspire you and help you on your way.

1) Practice Gratitude Daily

Britta Trubridge, also known as “The Mermaid Yogi” from her underwater yoga art, is the creator of B. Tru Yoga.

How to Stick to It

Keep a journal. Write one to ten things in it everyday in the morning while your have breakfast. This will set the tone of the day beautifully. Gratitude is one of the most powerful practices I have ever incorporated into my life. It creates a perspective of abundance and joy and this attitude trickles over into everything we do and every interaction we have.

2) Listen

Willow Ryan works as Inner Elements Yoga teacher and Chiropractic Assistant in Portland, OR.

At first read, “listening” sounds easy. But hearing is only one part. Taking action based on what you hear is the another important step. This strengthens relationships and validates that the message was received well.

How to Stick to It

Simple, do it. Often. Consistently. Repeat until it becomes natural. This is the way with Yoga. If I want to improve my hand stands, I must do them. It’s a bit like initiating a scientific process. Make many attempts, make many mistakes, move forward.

3) Take Bigger Risks

Claudine and Honza Lafond are the founders of YogaBeyond in Sidney, Australia.

How to Stick to It

Meditation and breath work. Both will give you an opportunity to stay present and keep checking in with yourself. Always reassess where you are at with your goals. Also remember to be patient with yourself. Everyday you have a chance to start fresh and reset your goals. 

4) Do More Yoga

Jennifer Martin is the founder of Bodhi Hot Yoga, two premier hot vinyasa studios located in Stuart and Palm Beach Gardens, FL.  
Instagram: @jennifermartinyoga

How to Stick to It

  1. Buddy Up.

Yoga is just plain more fun when you do it with family and friends. The buddy system can also help you stay accountable and act as a support system for those days that you just can’t seem to get it all together and want to opt for the couch instead of your mat.

  1. Follow along in an Instagram Challenge.

It’s not about the beautiful photos, although they do offer their own sense of inspiration and aspiration. Instagram challenges are a great way to incorporate yoga into your daily routine. Even if you can’t make it to class, the daily poses can get you moving and connect you with an even larger community. There are plenty of fun yoga challenges out there that you can hop into at any time! 

  1. 40 classes in 60 days.

Yoga may already be a part of your regular routine but how about ramping up your practice time and commitment. This challenge can either be tracked on your own personal calendar, or even better yet, if you are part of a studio, get all your fellow yogis involved. It’s amazing what we can achieve with a little focus and dedication.

5) Be a True Yogi

Brittany is self taught yoga lover, spreading some yoga love @om_yoga_love.

How to Stick to It

 Meditate every day, eight minutes a day. That’s not a lot, but it’s realistic. Work on chants to help with focus.

6) Get Things Done

Andrea is a German Yogi, blogging on

How to Stick to It

Get up early, take some time for yourself, practice, breath, meditate. Take care of yourself before you switch on your phone. Fill yourself up before you are going to serve other people. Get yourself some quality time and you are ready to get things done.

7) Take Time for Yourself

Bonnie Argo is a AcroYoga teacher’s teacher from Australia.

How to Stick to It

Dedicate a period of time each day that is exclusively for self care. We often carve out very little time to nurture ourselves. Having a commitment to taking care of ourselves ultimately means we are better equipped to interact with and care for our loved ones. Nourishing ones self also helps to reduce stress and increase focus. Some tactics and practices can include meditation, yoga, reading, cooking, walking, journaling, working out, taking a bath or anything that promotes connection to self and personal health.
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