Why Writing Is Good for Your Mental Wellbeing

Writing a Journal

Life is hectic and packed with seemingly endless responsibilities that are thriving and seeping into our personal lives. Here are the ways to let off steam and separate ourselves from these stress factors.


Meditation is one great way to achieve this separation, but there’s another method you may have overlooked that’s equally effective – writing. While meditation is all about clearing your mind of thought, writing can either involve externalizing your thoughts or escaping from them entirely. Either way, the simple act of scribbling on a page or typing into a computer can do wonders for your stress levels and overall mental wellbeing. Here are just a few possible outlets for writing that you could explore.


While it’s often neglected, perhaps for having a slightly ‘tweenage’ feel to it, writing a journal is possibly the best example of externalizing your thoughts. Plus, it doesn’t have to solely contain gossip about school crushes and Christmas wish lists. The great thing about a journal or diary is that it allows you to record your feelings and experiences so you can revisit them. When you’re caught up in a whirlwind of stress, it can be incredibly difficult to retain a sense of perspective on your situation. The beauty of writing it down at the time is that you can reflect on your mental state more objectively. Plus, the process of writing itself can be a cathartic, allowing your worries to spill onto the page.


Blogging has been around for a while now but is still as popular as ever. In many ways it has similar benefits to writing a journal, especially in that it provides a platform to express your state of mind in writing. The key difference, though, is the element of sharing with a community. While of course we all need our own private spaces, we are also social creatures who can benefit from community support, or simply sharing our story.

The topic your blog covers doesn’t exactly have to be personal, though; it could also be about anything you’re interested in. Plus, it’s really straightforward to get started, as anyone can buy a domain name from places like this, which also have easy options for the design of your blog. This way, you can enhance your enjoyment of your hobbies and interests by engaging with like-minded people. Just remember, the key is about what you can get out of it personally, not necessarily about becoming a popular blogger.

Creative Outlet

Many people believe that if they don’t have exceptional talent in music or poetry, then it’s not worth pursuing. However, there’s real value in using art to express yourself, even if you don’t think you’re going to be the next Shakespeare any time soon! Having a creative outlet is a highly constructive way to process your thoughts and emotions, as opposed to letting them faster. If you’re feeling tense or overwhelmed by something, try expressing it in poetry or song lyrics. It can take any form you want, but the important part is that it allows you to vent what you feel, not whether it’s ‘good poetry’ or not.

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