15-Minute, No-Gear Home Workout

By Top.me

Look great, feel healthy and live happy with Top.me.

This home workout routine is incredibly quick and effective, and you don’t need any workout equipment. You’ll sculpt from head to toe, shed fat, and be the envy of your gym-going friends.

This home workout consists of 15 exercises. Do 19 reps of each exercise, and repeat it for two rounds… Get Started!

  1. Lunge to Kick
  2. Push Up & Knee to Elbow
  3. Surfer Squats
  4. V Crunches
  5. Burpee Lunge
  6. Up Down Plank
  7. Jump Squats
  8. Plank Reach & Leg Extension
  9. Hop with Punch
  10. Tricep Dips with Toe Touch
  11. Plank Jack & Shoulder Tap
  12. Side Lunge with Kick (Left)
  13. Plank with Arm Reach
  14. Side Lunge with Kick (Right)
  15. Superman