23 Stretching Moves to Improve Pole Dance Flexibility (Video Instructions)

Stretching Moves for Pole Dance

Too stiff to do the split?  This stretching workout will guide you from simple to advanced stretching moves to improve your flexibility for pole dancing, gymnastics and ballet.

Best Stretching Moves for Pole Dancing

The key to improving your flexibility for pole dancing is:

1) Hip Circles

Note: Keep your body relaxed, engage your core muscles. Hip circle band could help you to do these exercises

2) Plie Squats

3) Plie Holds

4) Plie Squat on Toes

5) Plie Inner Thigh Stretch

Note: Keep your torso straight and hips parallel to the ground. 

6) Deep Squat Stand

Note: You shouldn’t feel pain while pulling your thighs apart, just a slight stretching.

7) Wide Forward Bend Circles

Note: Bend your knees to cause less stress to your lower back.

8) One Leg Hamstring Stretch

9) Wide-Legged Forward Bend

10) Wide-Legged Deep Forward Bend

Note: Try keeping your body weight onto the balls of your feet to keep your hips in the same plane as your ankles.

11) Hurdler’s Stretch


12) Split Leg Hamstring Stretch

13) Dynamic Rolls

Note: Keep your legs and back straight. Do 15 rolls.

14) Calf and Hamstring Stretch

15) Inverted “V” Pause

16) Leg to Knee Rolls

17)  Calf and Hamstring Stretch

18) Standing Split Swings

19) Standing Split Hold

20) Half Split With Knee Lift

21) Overspilt on the Chair

22) Overspilt Hold

23) Oversplit Backward Lean

If you want to improve your flexibility, check also these stretching tips and tricks. Even if you have no pole yet, we’ll guide you on how to train for pole dancing without a pole.

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