Tone Up Your Inner Thighs With These 8 Effective Exercises

Toned and Slim Thighs

These 8 effective exercises will make you feel the burn in your inner thighs in no time. 

Add some of the exercises to your next leg day for a home or gym workout.

 1) Plank Jacks

Note: You can substitute this exercise to a Sliding Plank putting each foot on a folded towel, paper plate, or gliding disk.

2) Pulsing Lateral langes

3) Sumo Jumps

4) Wide Stance Leg Press

4) Plie Squat

Note: you can use a dumbbell to add more weight.

5) Inner Thigh Circles 

6) Resistance Band Clamshell 

7) Sumo Deadlifts

Note: You can use dumbbell or kettlebell instead of a barbell.

8) Exercise Ball Squeeze 

Note: If you don’t have an exercise ball, use a medicine one or a pilates “magic circle”. 

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