Avoiding Relapse: Diet Plan for a Newly-Sober Person

Diet Plan for a Newly-Sober Person

People recovering from an alcohol addiction will need to restructure every aspect of their lives. It’s not enough to simply avoid the temptation of a drink. There has to be an established set of rules in order to help them recover completely. Diets can be tricky for most of us so it’s even harder for those overcoming substance abuse issues. It’s important to note that just because a person is recovering and newly sober, this doesn’t mean that they have to limit their choices. Finding the right combination of foods can help ease the detox process. Here are seven tips to creating a great diet plan for a newly-sober person.

1) Keep Water Close


Part of a well-functioning and healthy body is being thoroughly hydrated throughout the day. Staying hydrated keeps your systems working and makes it easier for toxins to be flushed out. Drinking up to eight glasses a day can help combat dehydration. Dehydration can cause you to feel depressed or fatigued so it’s important for your body and mental health to keep drinking water.

2) Avoid Sugar and Caffeine

As part of any detox plan, it’s best to steer clear of foods that are high in sugar or caffeine. That means not having a lot of processed or junk foods. While they might seem convenient, sugary foods can trigger anxiety, chemical imbalances and unrelenting anxiety. It’s also harder for your body to breakdown all the chemical components. This can cause even more stress on your recovering liver.

3) Go Easy on the Solids

While your body is detoxing and learning to live without the substances, it will take time to heal. Given that, your body might not be immediately ready to handle heavy meals made up of solid foods. But you’ll still need to get your nutrients. Soups and protein shakes are a great substitute until your body can handle heartier foods.

4) Good Fats

There are healthy fats that are essential to keeping our bodies at their best. In moderation, foods like avocado, flaxseeds, olive oil and nuts can be used to deliver the fatty acids you need. The oils in these foods help your body absorb and hold onto the right nutrients and vitamins.

5) Choose Protein

One of the benefits of a high-protein diet is that proteins help repair broken or torn tissues. As your organs, specifically your kidneys and liver, heal, they need help with the process. Once you begin the detox process, your body immediately begins trying to fix itself. Having proteins will also help curb cravings.

6) Fresh Produce

The benefits of fruits and vegetables for a healthy lifestyle are well known. But they can also assist with stabilizing your diet after a detox. Most pack a variety of complex carbohydrates, which provide energy. They are also great sources of fiber, meaning they will help get rid of your body’s toxins and wastes. Having the right amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet can mean meeting your daily nutritional requirements and also help you maintain a healthy weight.

7) Take Supplements

If you’re finding it hard to get all of the nutrition you need from just eating, you can try adding supplements. After a full detox, your body could be lacking in vitamins E, D, B and A. Adding these will help cure your body of any vitamin and mineral deficiencies. B vitamins in particular are a great source for converting food into usable energy. You can get this nutrient from vitamin-rich foods like beans, whole grains, leafy greens and eggs. Over time, substance abuse can deplete your body of its natural minerals, like iron, zinc and calcium. Following a detox and on the steps to recovery, you’ll want to replace these minerals to get your body back at its best.

There are many steps and factors to recovery. Getting rid of the substances is only one aspect of the healing process. In order to have a fully healed and well-rounded life, it’s necessary to plan out even the simplest daily routines. Food will play an important factor in restoring the balance of life and health. While eating is probably not at the top of the list as far as detox concerns, it has a strong role in helping people feel normal and healed.

Guest post by HowTonight – a blog focusing on health, nutrition and many more.

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