The Important Role of Community Programs in Aged Care


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Community programs form an integral role in the aged care experience. They range from gardening, religious congregations, social activities and so many other seasonal programs that keep those in residential care connected with one another, as well as the community.

Whether we recognise it or not, so much of our routine is tied to the community, and this shouldn’t be abandoned as we grow older but rather continued and celebrated with greater regularity. If your aged care journey is about to start and you want to understand why community programs are so heavily weighted for decision-makers, consider these benefits. 

Just Like Home

A young lady is smiling at an old lady

When shopping around for the right aged care option, it’s always the environment that feels like home which will come out in front. Community programs are designed in the same way, making you feel connected to the life you had at home and giving you every opportunity to continue in that senior lifestyle. Tending to vegetable gardens, making your way through a book list or even just getting together to play cards – these community programs really solidify a sense of home. Home is sometimes something you can feel and not put into words, but if you can articulate what you need from your aged care provider, this will make your selection a lot easier.

Social Interaction

Even when we don’t think we feel like it, no one comes away from a social gathering feeling anything less than fulfilled and grateful. Community programs provide a setting for fellow residents to get together and enjoy an activity, be outdoors or just catch up for a cup of tea. Social interaction improves our mental health and it also allows us to form friendships that we can rely on. What’s even better is that many of these community programs include family members, which means that social interaction can include a greater network of loved ones. If you are looking for an aged care provider and want to choose an option with a range of social programs, ask to see a community program schedule so you can better understand what’s on offer. 

Physical Exercise

Another reason why community programs are so important is the physical exercise that typically accompanies the activity. This not only gives our elderly community more energy, but it keeps the group healthy as they enjoy movement and move their bodies. Most aged care units will include a good mix of activities so that no one feels left out and can opt-in or out of the programs that require a little more steam. It also gives those active community members an opportunity to get around the village and elevate their heart rate as they wish. If you don’t see any physical exercise on the community programs you are looking at, get in touch with the aged care provider to learn what they offer those interested parties.

Culturally Inclusive

As our society is so diverse, so too are our aged care communities. This means that residents can enjoy regular religious congregations, cultural traditions and special celebrations such as Easter and Christmas. If you are looking for an aged care option for yourself or loved one, enquire about worship and congregations if that is an important factor to you. 

Four senior people are sitting at the table talking and playing a table game

Community programs are very important in an aged care setting, and they can really add a lot of fun to the week. If you want to learn more about community programs, contact your shortlisted providers and see what they offer.