Many people find that, over time, their teeth lose their shine and become discolored. This can have a significant impact on people’s self-confidence.
After all, who doesn’t want the perfect smile?
Various factors can alter the color of teeth, including:
- Regular consumption of certain foods and drinks, especially coffee, soda, red wine, and other dark beverages
- Smoking or chewing tobacco
- Use of certain medications
- Poor oral hygiene
- Thinning enamel caused by the natural aging process
What Are the Benefits of Teeth Whitening?
Teeth whitening Beverly Hills procedures are safe and relatively fast with no downtime afterward. Results are often noticeable right after the procedure, with just one treatment, making teeth up to eight shades lighter.
Lightening the teeth is one of the easiest and quickest ways to make attractive changes to one’s appearance. Along with enhanced confidence, people can reap psychological benefits too.
A further positive is that a brighter smile can draw people’s attention away from other perceived facial imperfections, such as laughter lines and other wrinkles, skin blemishes, and scars.
Can Everyone Have Their Teeth Whitened?
Most adults with healthy teeth and healthy gums can reap the benefits of teeth whitening.
A dental specialist will examine a candidate’s mouth and discuss desired outcomes to ensure they are a suitable candidate for teeth whitening before carrying out any procedures.
Who Should Not Have Their Teeth Whitened?
Teeth whitening may not be appropriate for people with gum disease, decaying teeth, or cavities. Also, people with exposed roots generally cannot undergo tooth whitening procedures.
Anyone who has dental restorations, including fillings, bridges, caps, crowns, bonding, and implants, may not benefit from tooth whitening; while the natural teeth will lighten, artificial additions will not. This can lead to uneven shades in the mouth unless restorative features are replaced.
A dentist will discuss allergies with a patient prior to whitening teeth. People who are allergic to certain bleaching agents, such as hydrogen peroxide, should generally consider alternative means of brightening their smile.
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding will generally be advised to wait until a later time to undergo teeth whitening.
Depending on the severity, people with sensitive teeth may not be suitable for teeth whitening procedures.
Teeth whitening may not be recommended for people with teeth that are already even in color. Similarly, the shade of discoloration can be a factor in how well teeth whitening techniques will work for an individual.
An experienced dentist can suggest alternative ways to improve the appearance of teeth if teeth whitening isn’t a viable solution.
Is Teeth Whitening Worth It?
Many people can enjoy long-lasting and natural-looking whiter teeth after safe, non-invasive, fast, and simple teeth whitening.
Whiter teeth contribute to a healthier, younger-looking smile, and this can have lasting benefits in all areas of your life.