8-Minute Super Intensive Lean Leg Workout

Sculp and tighten your legs with this lean leg workout. No excuses – you need no equipment, not a lot of space, and it’s over and done in 8 minutes!

The 8-Minute Lean Legs Workout

Leg Muscle Stretching

  1. Stay straight with your chin parallel to the ground.
  2. Drive each knee as high as possible for several times, squeeze and secure it with both hands.
  3. Then drive your leg behind your heap kicking your ankle toward your glutes, secure them with one hand.
  4. Swing your leg towards your body this time secure it with both hands. Pull the leg up to the body as high as possible.


First do all exercises with the right leg without any rest. 

Swinging Lunges

  1. Come to a lunge position with the right foot forward.
  2. Keep your torso straight.
  3. Make a 90 degree angle.
  4. Swing back stabilizing the entire body on the back leg
  5. Work at your own pace for 30 seconds.
  6. Shake the legs out.



  1. Get down to a lunge position with the right foot forward for about a second.
  2. Step back with your left leg and step forward.
  3. Don’t go as far as your lunge position.
  4. Hold each position for about a second.
  5. Take your time and work up to the advanced.

Push and Shrink Lunges

  1. Come to a lunge position with the right foot forward.
  2. Push and shrink the back leg up to your glutes.
  3. Work at your own pace for 30 seconds.
  4. Shake the legs out.



  1. Come to a lunge position but not very deep with the right foot forward.
  2. Stand up and don’t raise your back toes off the map.
  3. Extend the hip and hold that position.
  4. Continue going up and down.

Front Sideways Lunges

  1. Come to a lunge position as low as possible with the right foot forward.
  2. Make a 90 degree angle.
  3. Jump your front leg side to side as far as possible.
  4. Work at your own pace for 30 seconds.
  5. Shake the legs out.


  1. Slightly bend the knees bringing your right foot forward.
  2. Jump your front leg side to side as far as possible.
  3. Work at your own pace for 30 seconds.

Back Sideways Lunges

  1. Come to a lunge position as low as possible with the right foot forward.
  2. Make a 90 degree angle. The lower, the more advanced it is.
  3. Jump your back leg side to side as far as possible.
  4. Work at your own pace for 30 seconds.
  5. Shake the legs out.


  1. Slightly bend the knees bringing your right foot forward.
  2. Jump your back leg side to side as far as possible.
  3. Work your own pace for 30 seconds.

Alternating Lunge Jump

  1. Get the body down with the right foot forward.
  2. Jump off the ground.
  3. Jump hold and switch the leg.


  1. Step up with both hands on the hips.
  2. Step back with a leg and continue in an alternating pattern.

Change the leg and do the whole cycle again without any rest.


  1. Stand with the hands over the head.
  2. Drop down and keep the legs out.
  3. Jump and spin 100 degrees.
  4. Jump back and reverse direction.


  1. Stand with the hands over the head.
  2. Drop down left leg, right leg.
  3. Bring legs back and turn down.

Jumping Jacks

  1. Jump and spread your legs as wide as possible.
  2. Challenge yourself and reach up towards the sky.


  1. Do jumping jacks in a slow motion.

Cool down. 

You did it. No need to go to a cardio machine, no need to pick up the weights. You are done!

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