Full-Body Resistance Band Workout to Tone up Anywhere

Fit girl on white lying on the mat and doing resistance band workout

Pumping iron is great, but to get the most out of your workout, sometimes you need to mix it up with resistance training. 

Burn a little rubber (and a lot of fat!) with this Full Body Resistance Band workout. All you need is one super-portable, super-affordable band to fit in a head-to-toe sculpting session anytime, anywhere.

Do each exercise with little to no rest in between. After you finish the entire circuit, rest 1 minute and then repeat the whole thing two three more times.

Training tip: Resistance bands vary in size, shape, and thickness. You may need to modify or change the way you use your band, depending on the type that you have at home. 

The full workout video you’ll find at the end of the article.

1. Lunges

Targets: Legs, butt, abs, arms

Training tip: Brace your abs in tighter as you lower into the lunge to help maintain your balance.

2. Squats

Targets: Butt, back, legs

Training tip: Keep your abs drawn in tight during the entire exercise.

3. Bent-over Row

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