Boulder Shoulders for a Sexy You. Minimum Equipment Home Workout

Sexy Shoulders and Arms

Get up and build those round and toned shoulders to look great in tank tops and dresses. You will need just a resistance band and one dumbbell.

Before getting down to the main workout, warm up properly first!

Pre Workout Warm Up: 

  1. Toe Touch Jumps

2. Lateral Steps

3. Shoulder Rolls 

4. Shoulder Internal Rotation 

5. Standing Chest Fly

Sexy Shoulders Workout

Works: shoulders, arms
You’ll need: one dumbbell, resistance band.

1. Dumbbell One Arm Arnold Press 

2. Dumbbell One Arm Lateral Raise

3. Resistance Band Shoulder Press

4. Resistance Band Overhead Pull Aparts

Don’y forget to cool down and stretch your muscles.  If it’s not enough, we have this 7 Minutes to Sexy Arms Workout (Video Instructions) for you.

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