Tone the Whole Body With This Towel Workout

Meet the towel workout! No need for special equipment and gym – this effective total body workout will shape your legs, waist and arms in 20 minutes of your time.

Static Lunge Raw

Works: back, legs, and biceps

  1. Begin standing with right foot in center of towel, left leg staggered behind, hands holding each end of the towel evenly.
  2. Bend both knees to lower into a lunge, then hinge forward from hips (keep back straight) and pull ends of towel (grasp lower on the towel for more resistance, higher for less) towards body, keeping elbows close to sides, squeezing shoulder blades back and together.
  3. Hold lunge and continue pulling towel as hard as you can for 30 seconds then switch legs and repeat.
  4. Repeat for 2 more sets on each leg.
  5. Be sure to keep spine naturally straight, abs tight and front knee over heel.
  6. Rest 15-30 sec.

Triceps Pull

Works: triceps, shoulders

  1. Stand with feet hip width apart, knees soft, holding one end of the towel with left hand.
  2. Extend left arm up and bring towel behind back so that it lines up with your spine, bending left elbow.
  3. Bend right arm behind back and grasp the towel at your lower back.
  4. Hold right arm steady and slowly extend left arm up to ceiling (pull harder for more resistance, lighter for less), then bend back to start. That’s one rep.
  5. Repeat 12 times on each side for up to 3 sets in total.
  6. Rest 15-30 sec.

Skate and Slide

Works: thighs, hips, and glutes

  1. Fold towel into a small square and place it on the floor under left foot.
  2. Balance most of your weight on your right leg.
  3. Bend right knee and push hips back while sliding left leg out to side, fully extending knee into a lateral lunge position.
  4. Straighten right leg while sliding left leg back in to return to starting position, squeezing through inner thighs to pull the towel.
  5. Bend your elbows and let swing your arms naturally to help you keep your balance as you slide in and out.
  6. Try up to 3 sets of 15 reps on each leg.
  7. Rest 15-30 sec.

Towel Bridge

Works: glutes, hamstrings

  1. Lie face up with knees bent and a small towel under each heel.
  2. Keep arms down to your sides, palms facing up.
  3. Slowly lift hips and legs a few inches off the floor while pressing heels into towels.
  4. Slide feet out in front of you approximately 12 inches.
  5. Then slide them back toward your hips, keeping hips up. That’s one rep.
  6. Do 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps.
  7. Rest for 15-30 sec.

Coasting Cobra

Works: lower back, glutes, triceps

  1. Lie facedown, with legs extended and hip-width apart, arms extended shoulder-width apart and hands on a towel folded a few times lengthwise.
  2. Extend spine as high as possible, lifting chest as arms bend, sliding the towel into body.
  3. Be sure to keep chin towards chest and eyes focused downward to avoid any neck strain.
  4. Try up to 3 sets of 15 reps each.
  5. Rest for 15-30 sec.

Bicep Curl

Works: biceps

  1. Stand or lean with your back against a wall.
  2. Grasp the ends of a medium towel with hands palms up.
  3. Raise your left knee and wrap the towel just below the knee.
  4. While pushing downward with your left knee, curl your arms up toward your chest while keeping elbows pinned at your sides.
  5. Hold for a second or two and then slowly extend your arms, applying moderate resistance with your knee the entire time.
  6. Do 10 to 12 reps with each leg for one set; perform 3 sets.
  7. Rest for 15-30 sec.


Do these two exercise without any rest in between.

Plank Pull-Ins

Works: abs, legs, and arms

  1. Start in a plank position with arms straight, wrists directly under shoulders, legs straight and hip-width and toes on a folded towel.
  2. Brace abs in tight and keep arms stationary as you use the abs to drag the towel in toward your hips, bending the knees.
  3. Hold for one count then slowly straighten legs back out to start.
  4. Try up to 3 sets of 10 reps.

Note: Try a modified version with knees bent and resting on the towel instead of legs straight.

Mountain Climber

Works: abs, legs, and arms

  1. Set up for this exercise by getting on your hands and knees with hands slightly in front of your shoulders.
  2. Bring your left foot forward and place it on a small towel on the floor under your chest.
  3. Extend your right foot behind you, toes on another small towel.
  4. This is your starting position.
  5. The move: Keep hands on the ground as you push out your left foot behind you as you simultaneously bring in your right foot in.
  6. Continue sliding back and forth between each leg for 10 to 12 reps per leg.
  7. Repeat for 2 to 3 sets.
  8. Rest for 15-30 sec

Roll Crunches

Works: abs

  1. Roll up a medium towel.
  2. Lie on the floor and place the towel underneath the small of your back.
  3. Bend your knees and place feet 12 inches apart. Touch your fingertips to the sides of your head, elbows out.
  4. Push your back into the rolled-up towel as you exhale and bring your upper back off the ground.
  5. Pause at the top and repeat for 15 or more reps for 2 to 3 sets. 
  6. Performing crunches this way allows for increased range of motion and activates more of your abdominal muscles.
  7. Rest for 15-30 sec.

Side Lying Slide-Up

Works: arms, obliques 

  1. Lie on right side, right arm extended under ear and palm pressed on folded towel.
  2. Place left hand on floor in front of chest, with legs extended under hips.
  3. Engage abs, press right hand into towel to lift torso off the floor while sliding towel in toward body (right arm stays extended as it slides in), using left hand for support.
  4. Avoid letting your right shoulder come up as you lift body. Hold for one count, slide back out to start position.
  5. Do 15 reps on both sides.
  6. Rest for 15-30 sec

Towel Stretching

Finish this towel workout with stretching.

Inner Thigh Stretch 

  1. Start lying on back with knees bent.
  2. Wrap towel around right foot and extend leg up to ceiling as straight as possible, holding onto both ends with right hand.
  3. Slowly open right leg out to the side, pressing left arm into the floor at the side of shoulder to counterbalance body.
  4. Open until you feel a stretch in the right inner thigh, without letting left hip lift off the ground.
  5. Hold for up to 30 seconds and then switch legs.

Piriformis Stretch

  1. From the inner thigh stretch, bring right leg back into center of body and grab both ends of towel with left hand.
  2. Pull right leg across body and to the floor, trying to touch the inside of the right foot on the floor, opening right arm out to side.
  3. Allow hips to twist and left knee to drop to the floor as leg crosses over.
  4. Hold for up to 30 seconds and then switch legs. 
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