Pilates Ring Workout to Tone Your Upper Body

Pilates Ring Workout

This inexpensive and easy tool can help transform your body without putting a lot of efforts and spending much time. Meet the Pilates Ring or the Magic Circle that can tone your arms and shoulders, correct posture, and strengthen your abs. This Pilates Ring workout is focused on upper body to scalp your arms and back and strengthen your core. If you are still not sure what Pilates Ring to choose, check this review.

Pilates Ring Upper Body Workout

1) Straight Arm Presses

Works: Biceps, shoulders, chest.

  1. Sit on a mat with your back straight.
  2. Hold the Pilates Ring with your straight arms in front of you at chest height. 
  3. Bring your hands together by squeezing the ring in and then release it. 
  4. Do 10 squeezes then hold for 3-5 seconds. 
  5. Rest for 10 seconds and do the exercise again 2 more times.

Note: Keep your straight arms at chest height through the whole exercise. 

2) Pilates Ring Roll-Ups

Works: Core, biceps, shoulders.

  1. Lie with your back flat on a mat hold the ring with straight arms above your chest.
  2. Keeping your arms straight roll up slowly engaging your abs and not back.
  3. When your upper body is sitting up straight, roll back down slowly, keeping the same straight arms and tight abs.
  4. Do 10 Roll-Ups. 

Tip: To make this exercise more challenging and to add more resistance, press the ring in while rolling up.

Note: Do this exercise in a control motion. Bring your body up using your abs. If you feel back paid, try half rolls or stop doing this exercise at all.

3) Bent Arm Presses

Works: Biceps, shoulders, chest.

  1. Sit on a mat with your back straight.
  2. Hold the Pilates Ring with your bent in elbows arms in front of you at chest height. 
  3. In a quick pulsing motion bring the ring in and then release it. 
  4. Do quick 15 pulses then hold for 3-5 seconds. 
  5. Rest for 10 seconds and do the exercise again 2 more times.

3) Pilates Crunches

Works: Abs, arms, chest.

  1. Lie with your back flat on a mat hold the ring with bent arms above your chest.
  2. Crunch up lifting your shoulders off the floor, bringing the Pilates ring towards your chest.
  3. Squeeze the ring in while crunching up. 
  4. Slowly return to the starting position.
  5. Do 10 Crunches.

4) Behind-Your-Back-Presses

Works: Triceps, biceps, shoulders.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Put the Pilates Ring behind your back, with your elbows slightly bent, and arms parallel.
  3. Squeeze the ring in and then release it.
  4. Do 10 squeezes then quickly pulse for 10 seconds and hold for 3-5 seconds at the end.
  5. Rest for 10 seconds and do this exercise again 2 more times.

Note: Squeeze the ring controlled, focusing on the motion. Don’t bring your shoulders up.

5) Overhead Presses

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Take the Pilates Ring and bring your arms overhead.
  2. Keep your shoulders down away from your ears and a bit bent.
  3. Press the ring in, hold for 3 seconds and release with control. 
  4. Repeat 12 times. 

6) Bicep Press

Works: Biceps, shoulders.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Place the ring on your shoulder and hold it with your palm.
  3. Keep your elbow out to the side.
  4. Press down on the circle, pause for 3 seconds and release in control. 
  5. Repeat 12 times and switch sides. 

It is always good to take a day off from heavy lifting and bring some variety to your fitness routine. If you want to try something else to tone your arms, check this resistance band complete arms slimming workout or these 17 Amazingly Effective Arm Slimming Exercises for Women.

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