5 Minute Fat Shredding Workout. Get in Shape for Summer!

Get ready to have fun in the summer sun! Our shredding Tabata workout will make you sweat in 5 min.  And you need no equipment, just your body.

Tabata is the most famous scheme among HIIT workouts as it’s short and highly effective. So, get a mat and start melting that fat! 

Five Minute Tabata Workout

Work: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

1) Jump Lunge

2) Army Crawl Plank

3) Jump Squat

4) Pike Pushups

For more advanced trainees here is Exercise Ball Pike Pushup.

5) Burpees

6) Mountain Climber

7) Bicycle Crunches

8) Plank Jumps

Note: Jump as quickly as you can. Don’t rise your booty.

9) High Knees With a Tap

10) Shoulder Tap Push-Ups

Note: If it is complicated to do this exercise from a plank position, go down on your knees and do Kneeling Shoulder Tap Push-Ups.

Push yourself hard and keep to a clean diet to see the first results in a month. 

If you want to build stronger legs, check how to do it with Interval Training.  And this 4-Minute Bodyweight Tabata Workout will save your time but burn your fat.  

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