After spending years following a strict diet and exercise routine, many people are still unhappy with their bodies.
Rigorous exercise and a healthy diet...
Some people are lucky to have a fast metabolism that helps them to easily boast of their slim bodies by the poolside. However, if you are not among those...
If you goal is to lose weight and you are doing it only through dieting, then you may risk not only to lose your muscles but also slow down the metabolism.
Exercising is not just good for loosing weight, it makes you stronger, healthier and improves your mood and can help prevent many chronic diseases.
After losing a significant amount of weight or undergoing fat removal surgery, you might be left with loose skin throughout the midsection.
While some...
Liposuction is an amazing operation that can transform a patient’s life, but you need to be ready to make some sweeping lifestyle changes if you want...
Going through a pregnancy and giving birth to a child can have a huge impact on your appearance, and many mothers have to deal with a variety of unwanted...
Coolsculpting is the cosmetic industry newest type of procedure, which can quickly and easily destroy fat cells in different parts of the body, including...
Intermittent fasting has five stages. Within each stage, many things occur that don’t happen when the person is in the fed state. Intermittent fasting...