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The All Pro ankle weights are adjustable with solid iron weights, up to 5 lbs per ankle in 1/2-lb increments. These ankle weights have cushioned flaps...

The Thera-Band Ankle Weights are noted for their padded terrycloth design, which makes them more comfortable than other options. The padding feels soft...

The Da Vinci ankle weights, sold in pairs, have adjustable velcro bands to fit to your wrist or ankle. The soft cloth interior absorbs sweats quite well. Da...

So, you are looking to get in shape, and have chosen the pull-up bar as your exercise weapon. Great choice! Pull-ups are hands-down one of the best...

This is a wall-mounted model of a home pull-up bar, if you are looking for something more permanent, or if you aren’t interested in blocking a doorway. Ultimate...

The Iron Gym is one of the better known home pull-up bar models (you have probably seen it on TV!), and it is popular for its versatility, as it can be...

The ProSource Heavy-Duty Easy Gym Doorway Chin-Up/Pull-Up Bar is a high quality, steel doorway pull-up bar that allows for multiple grips. ProSource...

The Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym pull-up bar can be used on most doorframes. It’s designed for effective pull-up training and allows wide, close...

This doorway pull-up bar has 4 stars on Amazon, is low-cost, and straightforward. It has a 220lb capacity and fits into any standard doorframe. Sunny Health...

Alcohol is something most people enjoy from time to time, but like many things that are enjoyable, it is not that good for your body and general looks....